Taxation, benefits:

Companies and institutions in Szolnok are obliged to pay local taxes on two legal grounds: on buildings and industrial activities.

1. Building tax:
Local regulation:
  •  48/2011.(XII.20.) Local Regulation about building tax

The basic and the degree of the tax:
The basis for the tax is te utilizable floor space of the building calculated in m2. The yearly amount of the tax is 990 HUF/m2 (in case of 0-500 m2 net floor area) and 1100 HUF /m2 (in case of above 500 m2 net floor area), detailed regulation of which is passed by a decree of the local government of the Town of Szolnok.

2. Local industry tax:
Local regulation:

  • 39/1991. ( XII.17. ) Local regulation about the local industry tax
  • 52/2003. ( XII.22. ) Local regulation about the modification of 39/1991. ( XII.17. ) statutory order
  • 48/2004. ( XII.18. ) Local regulation about the modification of 39/1991.( XII.17. ) statutory order
The basic and the degree of the tax:
In case of permanent business activities the basis for the tax is the net incomes from the products or services sold, reduced by the value of the purchase value of the goods sold and the value of the mediated services as well as the cost of materials since the year 2000.
Rate: 2% of the tax base

Specific benefits:

The local government of the Town of Szolnok attaches top priority to assisting businesses wishing to invest in the territory of Szolnok Industrial Park with the purchase of sites, the issue of construction licences, in tailoring zoning plans to investors’ needs and ensuring rapid and accurate administration of paperwork.